Biochemistry 158/258


Genomics, Bioinformatics & Medicine

Doug Brutlag

Selected Final Papers 2015

Jordan Bulich - Breast Cancer Stem Cells

Anthony Cordova - The Duty to Warn: The Conflict between Patient Privacy and Harm Prevention

Grace Farley - The New Eugenics: Germ Line Editing and the Future of Genetic Engineering

Amalia N. Hadjitheodorou - Big Data in Healthcare-a two sided story

Chitra Hariharan - Mitochondrial Genetics, Dynamis and Deleterious Mutations

Gugene Kang - Autism Spectrum Disorder: Genomics and Epigenomics

Jonathan Lee - Epigenetic Therapy: The Use of Epigenetics to Treat Cancer and Diseases

Delena Nguyen - Epigenetics in Cancer Management

Carolina Ornelas - Genetic Privacy in the United States

Alice Phillips - Grappling With the Ethics of Non-Disease Genetic Selection

Issa Yousif - Synthetic Biology and its Applications in Medicine

Michelle Zhao - Genetic Privacy: General Law and Application to Clinical Studies

Selected Final Papers 2014

Alex Bautista - Genome-wide Approach to the Complexities of Schizophrenia: A Meta-Analysis of the Genetic and Epigenetic Changes of Schizophrenia

Sydney Beache - The Economic, Ethical, and Social Implications of the Pharmacogenomics Movement

Matthew Billman - Genome Editing Techniques for Treatment of HIV

Elliot Bullock - Preventative Care for the Elderly

Evelyn Chang - The Genetics and Pharamcogenetics of Asthma

Josephine Chen - Computational Drug Repositioning

Danielle Collado - Genetic Link Between Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Anorexia Nervosa

Kelly Conley - The Genetic Link between Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder

Zoe Dubrow - The Development and Application of the CRISPR/CAS System as a Powerful New Tool for Genome Editing: A CASe Study

Jaena Han - Single-Cell Sequencing

Brad Hammoor - The Future of FDA Regulation of Pharmacogenetics

Isaac Madan - The potential of genome-based computational methods for drug repositioning

Christopher Martin - The Ethics of Whole-Genome Sequencing in Newborns

Samir Malhotra - Importance of Stem Cell Therapies and Their Applications in Wound Healing

David Mundy - The role of the SWI/SNF complexes in pancreatic cancer

Eve Nakamura - Autoimmune Cytopenias

James Pan - The NIH Undiagnosed Diseases Program

Laura Potter - Redefining Genetic Discrimination: The Ethical Future of Applied Genetics in Medicine

Alfred Server - The Changing Face of Celiac Disease and the Role of Genetic Testing

Jackie Silva - Stem Cell Therapy post Acute Myocardial Infarction

Jordan Williams - Preimplantation Genetic Diagnostics: A Review

Karli Thompson - A Professional’s Responsibility to Report Incidental Findings

Emily Witt - Pharmacogenomics of Depression Therapy

Garseng Wong - Nutrition and Genomics

Jale Yakupoglu - Genomic Testing and the Ethical Implications of BRCA 1/2 Testing

Dana Yeo - Psychological Implications of Genetic Testing, Both Past and Present

Selected Final Papers 2013

Peter Abraham - The Prospect of Stem Cell Therapy in Multiple Sclerosis

Vibhu Agarwal - The use of gene expression profiling in cancer decision support systems.

Siina Bruce - Genomic Imprinting: Relevance to human disease and theories of origin

Jilliane Bruffey - An analysis of the principle for procreative beneficence

Anthony Chang - Cardiovascular Pharmacogenomics in Adults and Children with Heart Failure

Emma Chory - Recent advances in engineered nucleases for human genome editing and their therapeutic potential

Emily Doughty - The Future of Medicine: Challenges for Pharmacogenomics in the Clinic

Annika Dries - The PARP inhibitor: the promises and challenges of targeted breast cancer therapy

Sarah Hassman - The Positives and Negatives of Genetic Screening

Claire Hawkins - The Functional Genomics of Weight Loss

Roxana Jalili - Next Generation Sequencing Methods and Its Impacts on Genomics and Clinical Applications

Apurva Khedagi - Cloning Stem Cells: Ethics Behind Stem Cell Research

Georges Nabaa - How to make personal genomics mainstream: Crossing the chasm

Amikar Sehdev - Genetics and Cancer Prevention: Focus on Colorectal Cancer

Geoff Stanley - Single Cell Genomics and Disease

Angelea Torres - Bioinformatics and insights into the Origin of Life

Selected Final Papers 2012

Anonymous - Discovering Gene-Gene Interactions to Uncover the Missing Heritability in Genome-Wide Association Studies

Emily Abrash - Stem Cell Gene Therapy as a Treatment for Diverse Genetic Disorders

Fernando Pimentel - Stem cell-based gene therapy in HIV treatment

Jean Feng - Understanding Genetic Causes of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Through Learned Models of Stress-Related and Inflamatory Bowel Diseases

Cyonna Holmes - The Uses, Technology and Ethics Surrounding Preimplanatation Genetic Diagnosis

Katie Riklin - Malignancy and Methylation: the Link Between Epigenetics and Cancer

Ashley Tehranchi - An Analysis of Personal Genomics

Kelsey Lloyd - Ethical Dimensions of Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis

Rose Monahan - The Effects of Gene Ownership on Personal Genomics

Nicole Pham - Addressing Addiction: A Look at How Addiction Functions at the Levels of Science and Society

Vanessa Serrano - The Ethical Case Against the Use of Preimplantation Genetic Screening for Non-medical Enhancement

Megan Winkelman - Evolutionary Explanations, Psychiatric Genetics, Media and the Cultural Imagination

Selected Final Papers 2011

Nima Ahmadi - From Principles to Practice: Understanding the Pharmacogenomics of HIV

Jeremy Goodman - Genetic Counseling: Amongst Ashkenazi Jews

Julia Joung - Impact of DNA Microarrays on Drug Development

Jayaji More - The Cancer Stem Cell Hypothesis: Challenges and Implications

Sheila Onyiah - The Ethics of Genetic Engineering: Is it Eugenics?

Grace Tang - Computational Drug Design and Small Molecule Library Design